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Grilled Cornish Sardines with Chilli Vinaigrette

Serves 4

12 Sardines (Butterflied)
10 Chillies
1 Head of Garlic
2 Lemon’s zest
5g Cabernet Sauvignon Vinegar
1 Lemon’s Juice
300mls Olive Oil


Make the vinaigrette in advance
1. Remove seeds from chillies then slice finely.
2. Peel then chop garlic finely.
3. Grate lemon zest then combine with garlic, chilli, lemon juice, vinegar and olive oil.
4. Correct seasoning.
5. Season sardine fillets and brush with a little olive oil
6. Place skin side down on a hot grill.
7. Grill on skin for 2 minutes, turn sardines over and remove from the grill
8. Serve immediately with a wedge of lemon and a green salad